Monday, May 27, 2013

My Choice? Community

Moving forward on making this blog a habit, I will continue to reach my goal of 21 posts. Why is 21 the magic number? From what I have read it might have originated form a 1960’s Psycho-Cybernetics book that talks about the shelf life a mental image has before there is a perceived change. As a responsible blogger, if the 21 day rule has peaked your interested please click here to find some interesting research on the 21 day rule from a fellow blogger. I am sure that my 21 post attempt is modeled loosely on the rule, but I see it as a terrific job aid. Given the sharing of knowledge and ideas seems to be the theme at hand, my value proposition of choice today is “Community”.  
"The body is a community made up of its innumerable cells or inhabitants"

While Thomas Edison might have been talking about the inner workings of the human body, I like to think that social media is alive and our interactions are the inner workings of its online persona. As I join the community of bloggers and marketers, I have found that this persona called social media has an interesting mix of ideals that make up the vast portrayed by its inner workings (the community). We have leaders of international affairs and industry that inspire the community to think in terms of economics (I.A. Blog); this is accompanied with ideals on how to market you “self” Industry (Employer Blog). Our inner workings can be driven at times by compassion and care for beings that are unfortunate to have few ways to communicate to the world what their joys and hardships are about; the humanitarian in us becomes part of this online community (Humanitarian Blog). Members of our online community can also portray the kind of passion for the arts that it can drive their personal life into success via what they love (Dancing Passion Blog). 

As humans we are communal creatures, so even if it’s your physical or virtual community...

Your Personal community:

You academic community:

Or the community that inhabits your heart:

Make it good, make it influential…. Make it your own

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